ADIB - Memory Game
To educate consumers about ADIB services and various cards in an engaging and interactive manner while providing an opportunity to win prizes through gameplay.
- Developed a fun and easy-to-play Memory Game that requires players to match pairs of cards featuring different ADIB services and card designs.
- The game was designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible to a wide audience.
- As players progress, they learn about various ADIB offerings, including the ADIB Etihad Guest Visa Card and the ADIB Cashback Visa Platinum Card.
- Incorporated a rewards system, encouraging participation by allowing players to win prizes as they engage with the game.
The Client
ADIB (Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank) is a leading Islamic bank in the UAE, known for its innovative banking solutions and customer-centric services.
The Brief
ADIB aimed to create a fun and interactive platform that would familiarize customers with its range of services and cards, enhancing brand awareness while engaging users in a playful way.
The Solution
We created the ADIB Memory Game, an engaging tool that educates players about ADIB’s various services while providing a fun gaming experience. Players matched cards to reveal information about different ADIB products, such as credit cards, thereby enhancing their understanding of the bank’s offerings while enjoying the thrill of winning prizes.